Common capacitor types
Coupling capacitance: The capacitance used in the coupling circuit is called the coupling capacitance, which is widely used in the resistance-capacitance coupling amplifier and other capacitive coupling circuits, and plays the role of separating the direct current AC.
Filter capacitor: The capacitor used in the filter circuit is called the filter capacitor, which is used in the power supply filter and various filter circuits, and the filter capacitor will remove the signal in a certain frequency band from the total signal.
The capacitor used in the decoupling circuit is called the decoupling capacitor, which is used in the DC voltage supply circuit of the multistage amplifier. The decoupling capacitor eliminates harmful low-frequency cross connections between each stage amplifier.
High frequency damping capacitance:
The capacitor used in the high-frequency vibration suppression circuit is called the high-frequency vibration suppression capacitor. In the audio negative feedback amplifier, in order to eliminate the high-frequency self-excitation that may occur in the vibration, this capacitor circuit is used to eliminate the high-frequency whistling that may occur in the amplifier.
Resonant capacitors: capacitors used in LC resonant circuits are called resonant capacitors, which are required in LC parallel and series resonant circuits.
Bypass capacitor: The capacitor used in the bypass circuit is called the bypass capacitor. If the signal in the circuit needs to be removed from the signal in a certain frequency band, the bypass capacitor circuit can be used. According to the different frequency of the signal removed, there are full-frequency domain (all AC signals) bypass capacitor circuits and high-frequency bypass capacitor circuits.
Neutralizing capacitors: capacitors used in neutralizing circuits are called neutralizing capacitors. In radio high frequency and intermediate frequency amplifiers and television high frequency amplifiers, this neutralizing capacitor circuit is used to eliminate self-excitation.
Timing capacitors: capacitors used in timing circuits are called timing capacitors.
A timed capacitor circuit is used in a circuit that requires time control through capacitor charging and discharging, and the capacitor controls the size of the time constant.
Integrating capacitors: capacitors used in integrating circuits are called integrating capacitors. In the synchronous separation circuit of potential field scanning, the field synchronization signal can be extracted from the field complex synchronization signal by using this integrated capacitance circuit.
Differential capacitors: capacitors used in differential circuits are called differential capacitors. In order to obtain the peak trigger signal in the trigger circuit, this differential capacitance circuit is used to obtain the peak trigger signal from various kinds of (mainly rectangular pulse) signals.
Compensation capacitor: The capacitor used in the compensation circuit is called the compensation capacitor, and the low frequency compensation capacitor circuit is used in the bass compensation circuit of the cassette to enhance the low frequency signal in the playback signal, in addition, there is a high frequency compensation capacitor circuit.
Bootstrap capacitor: The capacitor used in the bootstrap circuit is called the bootstrap capacitor, and the commonly used OTL power amplifier output stage circuit uses this bootstrap capacitor circuit to slightly increase the positive half-cycle amplitude of the signal by positive feedback.
Divider capacitor: The capacitor in the divider circuit is called the divider capacitor. In the divider circuit of the speaker of the speaker, the divider capacitor circuit is used to make the high-frequency speaker work in the high frequency band, the mid-frequency speaker works in the mid-frequency band, and the low-frequency speaker works in the low frequency band.
Load capacitance: refers to the effective external capacitance that together with the quartz crystal resonator determines the resonant frequency of the load. Common standard values for load capacitors are 16pF, 20pF, 30pF, 50pF and 100pF. The load capacitance can be adjusted appropriately according to the specific situation, and the working frequency of the resonator can be adjusted to the nominal value by adjusting it.
Tuning capacitor: connected to both ends of the oscillation coil of the resonant circuit to select the oscillation frequency.
Liner capacitor: auxiliary capacitor in series with the main capacitor of the resonant circuit, adjusting it can make the frequency range of the oscillating signal smaller, and can significantly increase the oscillation frequency at the low frequency end.
Neutralizing capacitor: It is connected between the base of the triode amplifier and the emitter to form a negative feedback network to suppress the self-excited oscillation caused by the inter-electrode capacitance of the triode.
Frequency stabilizer capacitor: In the oscillation circuit, plays the role of stabilizing the oscillation frequency.
Timing capacitor: A capacitor in series with a resistor R in an RC time constant circuit, which together determines the length of charge and discharge time.
Acceleration capacitor: connected to the oscillator feedback circuit to accelerate the positive feedback process and increase the amplitude of the oscillating signal.
Reduced capacitance: In a UHF HF head circuit, a capacitor in series to shorten the length of an oscillating inductor.
Crapo capacitor: In a capacitor three-point oscillator circuit, the capacitor in series with the inductor oscillator coil plays a role in eliminating the effect of transistor junction capacitance on frequency stability.
Scylla capacitor: In a capacitor three-point oscillator circuit, a capacitor in parallel with both ends of the inductor oscillator to eliminate the influence of the transistor junction capacitance, so that the oscillator is easy to vibrate at the high frequency end.
Stable capacitance: In a frequency discriminator, used to stabilize the amplitude of the output signal.
Pre-weighted capacitance: In order to avoid the attenuation and loss of the frequency division during the processing of the audio modulation signal, the RC high frequency component is set to increase the network capacitance.
De-accentuated capacitance: In order to restore the original sound signal, it is required to attenuate the high-frequency component of the audio signal that has been enhanced by pre-accentuated with the noise, and set the capacitance of RC in the network.
Phase-shifting capacitor: A capacitor used to change the phase of an AC signal.
Feedback capacitance: The capacitance that straddles between the input and output of the amplifier and sends the output signal back to the input.
Voltage reduction current limiting capacitor: in series in the AC circuit, the capacitive reactance of the capacitor is used to limit the current of the AC, so as to form a voltage dividing circuit.
Reverse capacitor: used in line scan output circuit, and connected between the collector and the emitter of the line output tube, to generate high-voltage line scan sawtooth wave reverse pulse, its voltage is generally more than 1500 volts.
S Correction capacitor: Connected in series in the deflection coil loop, it is used to correct the extended linear distortion at the edge of the picture tube.
Self-lifting voltage capacitor: The charge and discharge energy storage characteristics of the capacitor are used to enhance the potential of a certain point of the circuit, so that the point potential reaches twice the voltage value of the power supply terminal.
Blanking capacitor: A capacitor set in the view-amplifier circuit to eliminate residual bright spots on the picture tube during shutdown.
Soft start capacitor: generally connected to the switching tube base of the switching power supply to prevent excessive surge current or high peak voltage from being added to the switching tube base when the power supply is turned on, resulting in damage to the switching tube.
Starting capacitor: connected in series to the secondary winding of the single-phase motor to provide the motor with the start phase-shifting AC voltage, and disconnected from the secondary winding after the normal operation of the motor.
Running capacitance: It is connected in series with the secondary winding of the single-phase motor to provide phase-shifting AC current to the secondary winding of the motor. When the motor is running normally, it is connected with the secondary winding.
Contact: Miss Zhao
Mobile: 15001738747
Address: No. 1185, Huyi Road, Jiading District, Shanghai